#                       LINDO-API
#                    Sample Programs
#                  Copyright (c) 2001-2002
#         LINDO Systems, Inc.           312.988.7422
#         1415 North Dayton St.         info@lindo.com
#         Chicago, IL 60622             http://www.lindo.com

  File   : ex_nlp1.java
  Purpose: Solve a NLP using the black-box style interface.

  Model  : A nonlinear model with multiple local minimizers.

        minimize  f(x,y) =  3*(1-x)^2*exp(-(x^2) - (y+1)^2)
                         - 10*(x/5 - x^3 - y^5).*exp(-x^2-y^2)
                         - 1/3*exp(-(x+1)^2 - y^2);
        subject to
                         x^2 + y   <=  6;
                         x   + y^2 <=  6;
                         y integer

import com.lindo.*;

class ex_userdata
    int counter;

public class ex_nlp1 extends Lindo
    private static int nErrorCode[] = new int[1];
    private static StringBuffer cErrorMessage = new StringBuffer();
    private static StringBuffer cLicenseKey = new StringBuffer();

    private static ex_userdata kkt = new ex_userdata();
    private static ex_userdata fde = new ex_userdata();

     *  Standard callback function to display local solutions
    private static int  local_sol_log(int model, int iLoc, Object pls)

      ex_nlp1 nls = (ex_nlp1) pls;
      ex_userdata _kkt = (ex_userdata) nls.kkt;

      int iter[] = new int[1];
      int mip_iter[] = new int[1];
      double pobj[] = new double[1];

      if (iLoc==LSLOC_LOCAL_OPT)
        System.out.println("@local solution " + _kkt.counter++ +
                           " mip_iter = " + mip_iter[0] +
                           " iter = " +iter[0] +
                           " obj = " + pobj[0]);
      else if (iLoc==LSLOC_CONOPT)
        System.out.println("                " +
                           " mip_iter = " + mip_iter[0] +
                           " iter = " + iter[0] +
                           " obj = " + pobj[0]);
      return 0;
    } /*local_sol_log*/

    private static double  g1( double X, double Y)
      return  Math.exp( -Math.pow(X  ,2) - Math.pow(Y+1,2) );

    private static double  g2( double X, double Y)
      return  Math.exp( -Math.pow(X  ,2) - Math.pow(Y,2) );

    private static double  g3( double X, double Y)
      return  Math.exp( -Math.pow(X+1  ,2) - Math.pow(Y,2) );

    private static double  f1( double X, double Y)
      return   Math.pow(1-X  ,2) ;

    private static double  f2( double X, double Y)
      return  ( X/5 - Math.pow(X  ,3) - Math.pow(Y,5) );

     *  Callback function to evaluate functional values
    private static int Funcalc8 (int pModel, Object pUserData,
                                 int      nRow  ,double  pdX[],
                                 int      nJDiff,double  dXJBase,
                                 double   pdFuncVal[],int  pReserved[])
      ex_nlp1 nls = (ex_nlp1) pUserData;
      ex_userdata _fde = (ex_userdata) nls.fde;

      double val=0.0, X = pdX[0], Y = pdX[1];
      int    nerr=0;
      /* compute objective's functional value*/
      if (nRow==-1)
        val = 3*f1(X,Y)*g1(X,Y) - 10*f2(X,Y)*g2(X,Y) - g3(X,Y)/3;
      /* compute constaint 0's functional value */
      else if (nRow==0)
        val = X*X + Y - 6.0;
      /* compute constaint 1's functional value */
      else if (nRow==1)
        val = X + Y*Y - 6.0;


      return nerr;
    } /*Funcalc8*/

    // Generalized error Reporting function
    private static void APIErrorCheck(int pEnv[] )
        if(0 != nErrorCode[0])
            LSgetErrorMessage(pEnv[0], nErrorCode[0], cErrorMessage);
            System.out.println("\nError " + nErrorCode[0] + ": " + cErrorMessage);

      // The runtime system executes a class's static
      // initializer when it loads the class.

    public static void main (String[] args)

        ex_nlp1 ls = new ex_nlp1();

        /* Number of constraints */
        int nM = 2;

        /* Number of variables */
        int nN = 2;

        /* The number of nonzeros in the constraint matrix */
        int nNZ = 4;

        /* declare an instance of the LINDO environment object */
        int pEnv[] = new int[1];

        /* declare an instance of the LINDO model object */
        int pModel[] = new int[1];

        int nStatus[] = new int[1];

        /* >>> Step 1 <<< Read license file and create a LINDO environment. */
        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSloadLicenseString("../../../license/license.h",cLicenseKey);

        pEnv[0] = ls.LScreateEnv(nErrorCode, cLicenseKey.toString());
        if ( nErrorCode[0] == ls.LSERR_NO_VALID_LICENSE)
            System.out.println("Invalid License Key!\n");

        /* >>> Step 2 <<< Create a model in the environment. */
        pModel[0] = ls.LScreateModel ( pEnv[0], nErrorCode);

        /* >>> Step 3 <<< Specify the model.

        /* The direction of optimization */
        int nDir = ls.LS_MIN;

        /* The objective's constant term */
        double dObjConst = 0.;

        /* The coefficients of the objective function */
        double adC[] = new double[] { 0, 0};

        /* The right-hand sides of the constraints */
        double adB[] = new double[] { 0, 0};

        /* The indices of the first nonzero in each column */
        int anBegCol[] = new int[]{ 0, 2, 4};

        /* The length of each column.  Since we aren't leaving
        any blanks in our matrix, we can set this to NULL */

        int anLenCol[] = new int[] { 2 , 2};

        /* The nonzero coefficients */
        double adA[] = new double[] { 0, 1, 1, 0};

        /* The row indices of the nonzero coefficients */
        int anRowX[] = new int[]{ 0, 1, 0, 1};

        /* Simple upper and lower bounds on the variables.
        By default, all variables have a lower bound of zero
        and an upper bound of infinity.  Therefore pass NULL
        pointers in order to use these default values. */

        double pdLower[] = new double[] { -3, -3};
        double pdUpper[] = new double[] { +3, +3};

        /* The constraint types */
        String acConTypes = "LL";
        String acVarTypes = "CI";

        /* We have now assembled a full description of the model.
        We pass this information to LSloadLPData with the
        following call. */
        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSloadLPData( pModel[0], nM, nN, nDir,
            dObjConst, adC, adB, acConTypes, nNZ, anBegCol,
            anLenCol, adA, anRowX, pdLower, pdUpper);


        /* The number of nonlinear variables in each column */
        anLenCol[0]=1; anLenCol[1]=1;

        /* The indices of the first nonlinear variable in each column */
        anBegCol[0]=0; anBegCol[1]=1; anBegCol[2]=2;

        /* The indices of nonlinear constraints */

        /* The indices of variables that are nonlinear in the objective*/
        int Nobjndx[] = new int[]{ 0, 1};

        /* Number nonlinear variables in cost. */
        int Nnlobj = 2;

        /* Load the nonlinear structure */

       /* Install a callback function  */
        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSsetCallback(pModel[0],"local_sol_log",ls);

        /* Set the print level to 1 */
        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSsetModelIntParameter(pModel[0],ls.LS_IPARAM_NLP_PRINTLEVEL,1);

        /* Install the routine that will calculate the function values. */
        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSsetFuncalc(pModel[0],"Funcalc8",ls);

        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSsetModelIntParameter(pModel[0],ls.LS_IPARAM_NLP_SOLVER,

        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSsetModelIntParameter(pModel[0],ls.LS_IPARAM_NLP_MAXLOCALSEARCH,3);

        /* >>> Step 4 <<< Perform the optimization */
        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSsolveMIP( pModel[0], nStatus);
        System.out.println("Status = " + nStatus[0]);

        /* >>> Step 5 <<< Retrieve the solution */
        int i;
        double adX[] = new double[2], dObj[] = new double[1];
        int minlp_iter[] = new int[1];
        int misim_iter[] = new int[1];

        /* Get the value of the objective */
        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSgetInfo(pModel[0], LS_DINFO_MIP_OBJ, dObj) ;

        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSgetInfo(pModel[0], LS_IINFO_MIP_NLP_ITER, minlp_iter) ;

        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSgetInfo(pModel[0], LS_IINFO_MIP_SIM_ITER, misim_iter) ;

        System.out.print("Objective Value = " + dObj[0] + "\n");

        /* Get the variable values */
        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSgetMIPPrimalSolution (pModel[0], adX);

        System.out.println("Primal values");
        for (i = 0; i < nN; i++) System.out.println("\tx["+i+"] = "+adX[i]);

        /* >>> Step 6 <<< Delete the LINDO environment */
        nErrorCode[0] = ls.LSdeleteEnv( pEnv);

        System.out.println("Number of nonlinear iters = " + minlp_iter[0]);
        System.out.println("Number of simplex iters = " + misim_iter[0]);
        System.out.println("Number of function evaluations = " + fde.counter);
        System.out.println("Number of KKT points found = " + kkt.counter);
